Human realm’s over-connectability

In an hyperconnected world, where everything links to everything else without anything escaping the excessive and maniacal control of people, distances shorten, limits vanish, while data exponentially increase with minimal margin for management. Control reigns supreme, the fear of being left out of the latest trends is intolerable for some, while at the same time, a river of knowledge disperses amidst the excess of information flows.

The excessive connectivity and mass distraction that technology produces is a tangible fact studied at a scientific level. Technologies provide us with a lot, reducing our efforts, saving us time and money in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving our personal and professional goals. But from everything we produce, consequences arise that cannot be predicted due to their unpredictability and high variability. The effects that will result from continuous exposure to stimuli of dual nature, both online and offline, directly connected to the former, are not currently clear. In this scenario, a mass of multichannel information mainly targeting our visual and perceptual sensory apparatus incessantly surrounds us, creating a dense network of data, information, names, news, knowledge, falsehoods where everything intertwines infinitely, without control, further weaving the tangle of chaos and confusion that already reigns within us, aggravating our condition of being perennially contested between what we believe and what little we think we know. A high number of bubbles within which we live our lives, intersecting and intertwining with those of other bubbles, which in turn intersect with others, ad infinitum.

Artwork details:

Size: 5000x 5000 pixels

Resolution: 4K

